Fruits and Vegetables

Swiss chard
The stems of swiss chard look a little like celery and can be green, red or rainbow-colored- a mixture of red, pink, orange and yellow.

butternut squash
Butternut squash can be used as a substitute in any recipe that calls for pumpkin.

Broccoli was first brought to the United States by Italian immigrants and became popular in the 1920s.

The average ear of corn has 800 kernels, arranged in 16 rows!

Cucumbers can be sauteed and served warm with a little chopped dill as a side dish.

green beans
Green beans, also know as string beans, are one of the few varieties of beans eaten fresh.

Nectarines are available May-September, but their peak months are July and August.

On average, there are 200 tiny seeds on every strawberry!

Turnips come in all shapes and colors; from round to cylindrical and from rose to black. They may be eaten raw or cooked.

The majority of garlic (90%) grown in the United States comes from California.To make a sweet spread, roast garlic in the oven until soft.

Eggplants can be purple, green, white or cursos de games, pear-shaped or cylindrical and the size of a golf ball to a football. Stew with zucchini, onion, garlic, and tomato to make Ratatouille.

Don't peel that apple! The skin of an apple contains fiber. Almost half of the Vitamin C content of an apple is just under the skin too!

To roast seeds, rinse & blot dry. Toss in oil and spread on baking sheet. Bake at 250 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Add salt and spices, and have as a snack!

This veggiesgreens can be eaten too, either cooked or raw! French Breakfast, Round Red, and Easter Egg varieties are usually eaten raw, whereas Daikon is often used in stir-fries.

Fennel is sometimes called sweet anise and has a delicate licorice flavor. The feathery tops can be used as an herb.

patty pan squash
Patty pan squash is disc shaped and can be yellow, green, or white!

Lemon basil has a citrus flavor and is good in desserts. Thai basil has a strong licorice flavor. Try all the varieties of basil!

Asparagus contains nutrients that help with eye, immune, skin and bone health.

Raw onions are great in salads and on top of sandwiches!

Add zucchini to any casserole or lasagna. It's an easy way to pump up the veggies!

Carrots can also be found in purple, white, red or yellow. Carrots were the first vegetable to be canned commercially.

Not all cauliflower is white! Try purple and orange cauliflower too (they lose their color when cooked!).

Citrus juice (such as from a lemon) help prevent bananas from turning brown after cutting.

green tomatoes
Green tomatoes have most of the same health benefits as red tomatoes, with almost the same amount of beta-carotene.

The leek is a member of the onion family but has a sweeter, more subtle flavor than an onion.

snap peas
Today, only about 5% of peas are sold fresh. Most of the fresh forms include sugar snap peas and snow peas.

bell peppers
Bell peppers have more vitamin C than a glass of orange juice, so snack on a pepper the next time you're sick!

Okra is popular in Southern and Cajun cooking, especially gumbo, a thickened soup often served over rice.

Kohlrabi or cabbage turnip, tastes like a mixture of cucumber and mild broccoli. Baby kohlrabi can be as crisp and juicy as an apple. They can be eaten raw (like jicama) or cooked.

red potatoes
Because of red potatoes flavor and texture, its best to boil or roast them. They absorb accompanying flavors well.

Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetables in existence and continues to be a dietary staple throughout the world. The bright color in red cabbage may stain foods, clothes, and utensils. You can prepare red cabbage with vinegar, wine, or an acidic fruit to maintain its color-otherwise it with become bluish-gray!

Beets are deep red, or white in color. Sugar is produced from one variety (Sugar Beets) and the red color is used in food coloring.

cherry tomatoes
The cherry tomato is very versatile. Drizzle with a favorite dressing or vinaigrette, or add to stir-fry recipes.

delicata squash
Delicata squash hold their shape well when cooked, making them a good choice for stuffing with whole grains, lean meats or cheeses, fruits and vegetables or baking with your favorite seasonings.

napa cabbage
Add extra crunch to your salad, soups or wraps with cabbage!

Whatever your favorite way to eat an orange is, just take a bite into this delicious citrus fruit.

For that perfect taste of summer, nothing beats a bowl of fresh, ripe blueberries.

Peaches are available May-September, but their peak months are July and August.

Make your own trail mix by combining dried apricots & other dried fruits with your favorite nuts such as almonds.

A peppery green very popular in Mediterranean dishes, arugula also is called rocket.

Celery leaves may be used as an herb or garnish.

Escarole is especially good with red pepper flakes as a seasoning!

bok choy
Bok Choy is also called Chinese cabbage and pak-choi and has been grown in China for more than 6,000 years!

Cantaloupes are named for the papal gardens of Cantalupo, Italy, where some historians say this species of melon was first grown.

At 92% water, watermelon juice is a great way to hydrate in the summer

sweet peas
Today, only about 5% of peas are sold fresh. Most of the fresh forms include sugar snap peas and snow peas.

fingerling potatoes
Fingerling potatoes add vibrant colors and pizzazz to traditional potato salads and other favorite potato dishes!

Parsnips are sweetest after a frost. In Europe they were used to sweeten jams and cakes before sugar became widely available.

Kale is a member of the cabbage family that is very popular in Northern Europe. It was so popular in Scotland that being invited to come to kale was an invitation to dinner.

Plums are available May-September, but their peak months are July and August.

Hubbard squash
Use Hubbard squash in place of butternut squash in any butternut squash soup recipe.

yellow squash
Summer squashes usually have a soft edible shell and seeds, they ripen in summer and need to be eaten soon after harvest.

Spinach is eaten raw in salads and also as a cooked green much like turnip greens or collard greens.

Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts aren't really baby cabbages, but are in the same plant family.

acorn squash
Select acorn squash that are dull and heavy for their size. Store in a cool, dry area away from extreme temperatures and sunlight. Acorn squash can stay fresh for up to 3 months.

Rutabagas look a lot like turnips! They are sweeter than turnips and turn slightly orange when cooked.

Also known as the Tomate Verde and Mexican Husk Tomato, the tomatillo is a staple in Mexican salsa and mole. It has a tart tomato taste. To make salsa verde, puree raw or cooked with onions, garlic, peppers, and spices!

Tomatoes are delicious served fresh in salads, sandwiches or eaten "as is"!

collard greens
Turn a new leaf by replacing the iceberg lettuce in your salad with this more nutrient dense green.